ประกาศของคณะปฏิวัติ ฉบับที่ 58

นายณัฐพร เป้าทอง นิติกร ปฏิบัติการ สนก. สน.สก.

18 กุมภาพันธ์ 2564

18 กุมภาพันธ์ 2564

The Revolutionary Council has considered that where a business affects safety and peace of the public, the control of such business is subject to the law on control in business affecting safety and peace of the public. It is also subject to the law on designation of a ministry to comply with this law. The Revolutionary Council is of the opinion that these two laws ought to be amended and combined together as single law in order to enable convenience in practice. At present, the number of business in accepting or buying of bills of exchange, capital finding, and trading or exchanging financial securities is increasing. This includes agencies or brokers for such business. This business possesses characteristics of business that may affect safety and peace of the public.However, the two existing laws do not contain any provisions governing it. Therefore,these laws ought to be amended and inserted into the proposed new law. The leader of the Revolutionary Council hereby issues orders as follows: