ประกาศของคณะปฏิวัติ ฉบับที่ 44

นายณัฐพร เป้าทอง นิติกรปฏิบัติการ สนก. สน.สก.

22 กุมภาพันธ์ 2564

     It appears that there are persons who are only concerned with their own interest and have built residential or commercial premises on people’s thoroughfares or public places which are public properties of the country, causing troubles and nuisances, obstructing traffic, or causing dirtiness and an untidy environment which has become sources of diseases, and causing a major obstacle to the growth and development of the country. The aforementioned acts have occurred and are still occurring in many places, and the officials are unable to solve the problems because the absolute authority to perform duties as deemed appropriate has never been granted. The National Executive Council has considered that the authority shall be granted to the officials in order to perform duties in eliminating such matters.
     Therefore, the Chief of the National Executive Council hereby issues orders as follows: